Ursula Scavenius: ‘Interruptions made my writing more honest’

When the Danish author Ursula Scavenius needs to escape distractions at home, she boards a train bound for Hornbæk Plantage, north of Copenhagen, to sit and write in her camper van, sometimes for twelve hours in a row.

Join us in Denmark, as we make the trip with her, for a conversation about Ursula's life as a writer, the making of her story collection The Dolls, and her ‘room of one’s own’.

Host: Rasmus Meldgaard Harboe

Producers: James Christensen and Mads Odgaard Smidstrup

Original music by James Christensen.

The Dolls is translated into English by Jennifer Russell.


‘To translate is to be in a permanent state of doubt. Everything could always be otherwise’


May-Brit Akerholt ‘worries’ about her translations